
Clean, green New Zealand. With a dirty little secret. We are on track to becoming the first country in the world to cause the extinction of a marine...
A New Zealand marine ecologist says an ancient sunken forest in the North Island may provide more clues about climate change over centuries. The...
When lobsters are life, environmental change affects livelihoods, and warming waters will ultimately bust the lobster industry in New England. The...
Scientists believe a species of fungus called Aspergillus tubingensis could help break down plastics in the environment. Scientists believe they may...
Scientists have used a remotely-operated submarine that helped discover the wreck of the Titanic to peer inside a massive underwater volcano north-...
Whale bones unearthed at Roman ruins suggest the animals were hunted by humans as long as 2,000 years ago. Genetic fingerprinting evidence points to...
Seaweed has been hailed as a new superfood, and it's also found in toothpaste, medicine and shampoo. In Zanzibar, it's become big business - and as...
Seabirds are more at risk of dying due to plastic in New Zealand than anywhere else in the world, new research presented to parliament has shown. New...
The nautilus’s impressive memory has survived five mass extinctions! Number 51 loves frozen shrimp. The nautilus’ keepers, Brooklyn College professor...
Judging by the dozens of aquariums around the US offering Mother’s Day programming, tens of thousands of American moms appear set to spend their...