
The beloved animated series, SpongeBob SquarePants , is the wonderful creation of animator Stephen Hillenburg. What you may not know is that...
Marine biologist and filmmaker Rick Rosenthal is the first to dive into and record the largest migration on Earth. The "vertical migration" is the...
Have you ever gone fishing and come back empty-handed? Have you ever been snorkelling and there's not much to see? There used to be seven times as...
Emperor penguins huddle for warmth during the deep Antarctic winter. However, new research has found that they only stay in a huddle for about 50...
Research supported by the soybean industry is looking to convert some farm-raised fish into vegetarians. South Dakota State University fisheries...
When pup 681 (later known as Luna) first arrived at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, she wasn’t able to use her paws to eat, and the animal care team had to...
Silk is usually made from the cocoons spun by silkworms - but there is another, much rarer, cloth known as sea silk or byssus, which comes from a...
Octopuses are aliens — or, at least, so vastly different in their genetic makeup that they might as well be considered out of this world. Scientists...
The climbing perch, which can live without water for six days, has spread across Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and is believed to be advancing...
A mile or so off the coast of Point Loma, six-foot swells rock the Erin B. The old 35-foot boat pitches and yaws like a bull ride in a saloon while...