Early Childhood
Over the last 26 years, we've been doing our best to instill a sense of wonder and a desire to learn more about the marine environment in all visitors to our Centre, especially children. We know these “citizens of the future” will eventually be responsible for caring for New Zealand’s marine environment and its biodiversity. We've learned that the more young children learn about our marine life, the more likely they'll want to take care of it.
Learning can be a life-long pursuit, and we believe that if pre-school children can be stimulated and “taught to learn” at an early stage, they'll want to learn for the rest of their lives. That's why we offer special, one-hour Early Childhood programmes for play centre, kohanga reo, and kindergarten children that stimulate their interest, stretch their imaginations, and encourage them to explore their ocean world.
For more information about our Early Education programmes click here.