'RoboClam' Could Anchor Submarines
A new burrowing robot for anchoring miniature submarines has been developed - inspired by the humble razor clam.
"RoboClam" could be used to lay undersea cables, and potentially even destroy mines, its inventors say.
The device mimics the digging action used by razor clams to turn solid soil into liquid "quicksand", helping them slide through.
A prototype is described in the journal Bioinspiration and Biomimetics by engineers from MIT in Boston, US.The answer was poking out of mudflats off the coast at nearby Gloucester, MA.
The Atlantic razor clam, Ensis directus, has been dubbed "the Ferrari of underwater diggers". An animal of its modest frame (10-20cm) should only be strong enough to penetrate 2cm into packed sand. But it can burrow up to 70cm in just over a minute.