Seaweek, 1-9 March this year, has been a pretty full on time for us at the Island Bay Marine Education Centre. The week started off with a real rush as we were donated 2 new octopuses at the start of the month. One has taken up residence in our Touch Gently area. It's pretty amazing watching this young octopus move slowly among the rocks and marine life sharing his new home with lots of other marine animals and plants.
During the week, eight school groups were able to visit and take part in our "Exploring the Rocky Shore" marine education programmes. Lots of other activities were underway at the beginning of the week, but the big storm mid-week put the dampers on lots of others.
During the height of the storm, the lower level of our Octopus HQ was hit hard by the high seas, extreme high tides and ferocious winds that pounded the South Coast. After two full day of clean up and sorting all gear, we were able to be up and running for the rest of the week.
We're looking forward to seeing lots of visitors this coming Sunday's Open Day. If you haven't been before, come on down and see us. We're open from 10 am to 3 pm every Sunday.
Also, if you get a chance head on down to our fantastic City Library and see their Seaweek display that we helped them to create. Very cool!